Aly Mazeh

Born in Abidjan in 1996, Aly Mazeh is a self-taught painter artist originating from Lyban.

Aly Mazeh finalist of the ellipse Prize dedicated to Ivory Coast

Aly Mazeh is a painter who draws inspiration from the different cultures of his childhood to construct equivocal universes made of patchworks and watered-down colors. Between proportion and disorder, the many symbols projected onto the canvas invite viewers to devise their own interpretations.

The artist pays homage to the dreams, candor and carefree spirit of childhood, a pivotal period for each individual to create an identity in a world oscillating between the imaginary and the real, free from all social injunctions.

The enigmatic paintings of a childhood story

In his work, Aly Mazeh deliberately leaves room for the imagination through these enigmatic visual characters to evoke memories, feelings, telling a singular story to each. His first exhibition “Renaisens” in 2021 decodes the place of the human being in the society.

Aly Mazeh is also the founder of “Yakomin” which offers creative workshops to introduce the art practice to the general public in Africa.

    Déposez votre candidature pour le prix ellipse !

    Les artistes sont invités à s’appuyer sur le règlement et les documents ci-dessous afin de remplir les différentes parties du formulaire, incluant un portfolio et un projet d’exposition à soumettre. Ce dernier, inspiré de la thématique « Effet Papillon », doit comprendre une explication générale du projet et une liste prévisionnelle des œuvres envisagées à exposer lors du solo-show à Paris pour le lauréat.

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      Submit Your Application for the ellipse Prize !

      Artists are invited to refer to the rules and the documents below to complete the various sections of the application form, including a portfolio and an exhibition proposal. The proposal, inspired by the theme “Butterfly Effect”, must include a general explanation of the project and a preliminary list of the works planned for display during the solo show in Paris for the winner.

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      2/3 - Personal Information

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      3/3 - Partie Artistique

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