Launch of the ellipse prize #5 call for applications

End of +E program first edition

On the occasion of its fifth anniversary, the ellipse prize continues its journey along the West African coast, dedicating this edition for the first time to an English-speaking country: Ghana.

As part of the Lyon Biennale, the exhibition of the +E program first beneficiary Inès Katamso closed last January 5. More info to come about the next edition.

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Committed beyond borders,
we support artists from any walks of life

Since 2020, the endowment fund has aimed to integrate artists of all origins into professional and cultural ecosystems, both in France and abroad.

The ellipse Prize,
an artistic scene emphasized each year

The ellipse Prize is an itinerant visual art competition created in 2021 rewarding an emerging artist from a different geographic location each edition.

An artistic mentorship program by
women for women

The accompanying program entitled “+E” organised every two years aims to support the production of a young artist supervised by a well-known professional.

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    Déposez votre candidature pour le prix ellipse !

    Les artistes sont invités à s’appuyer sur le règlement et les documents ci-dessous afin de remplir les différentes parties du formulaire, incluant un portfolio et un projet d’exposition à soumettre. Ce dernier, inspiré de la thématique « Effet Papillon », doit comprendre une explication générale du projet et une liste prévisionnelle des œuvres envisagées à exposer lors du solo-show à Paris pour le lauréat.

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    3/3 - Partie Artistique

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    Cliquez dans cette zone pour ajouter un document

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      Submit Your Application for the ellipse Prize !

      Artists are invited to refer to the rules and the documents below to complete the various sections of the application form, including a portfolio and an exhibition proposal. The proposal, inspired by the theme “Butterfly Effect”, must include a general explanation of the project and a preliminary list of the works planned for display during the solo show in Paris for the winner.

      1/3 - Personal Information

      2/3 - Personal Information

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      Click here to add a document

      3/3 - Partie Artistique

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      Click here to add a document

      Click here to add a document