Sekar Puti

Sekar Puti Sidhiawati, known as Puti, is a visual artist born in 1986 in Jakarta whose work questions the woman’s place.

Sekar Puti
exhibited during the project
Bhinneka Tunggal Ika

As a wife and mother, the artist draws on her own experience to address the issue of women’s empowerment within the home and society. Puti thus creates a narrative in the form of small ceramics illustrating the various responsibilities incumbent upon women.

From love to loneliness to uncertainty, Sekar Puti materializes her inner world in a rainbow of three-dimensional books, to exteriorize her wounds, symbol of resilience.

Ceramics as a means of conveying messages

Recently, Sekar Puti has been exploring new mediums and techniques to materialize her stories.
Through this work, the artist explores the link between animals and women, often considered as inanimate objects. By creating more sculptural, fluid ceramics, she seeks to alert the public to the alarming objectification of women and animal consumption.

Thanks to her artistic practice highlighting the woman, Sekar Puti has been finalist of different prizes as the Soemardja Art Award in 2010 and the Bandung Contemporary Art Award in 2013.

    Déposez votre candidature pour le prix ellipse !

    Les artistes sont invités à s’appuyer sur le règlement et les documents ci-dessous afin de remplir les différentes parties du formulaire, incluant un portfolio et un projet d’exposition à soumettre. Ce dernier, inspiré de la thématique « Effet Papillon », doit comprendre une explication générale du projet et une liste prévisionnelle des œuvres envisagées à exposer lors du solo-show à Paris pour le lauréat.

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      Submit Your Application for the ellipse Prize !

      Artists are invited to refer to the rules and the documents below to complete the various sections of the application form, including a portfolio and an exhibition proposal. The proposal, inspired by the theme “Butterfly Effect”, must include a general explanation of the project and a preliminary list of the works planned for display during the solo show in Paris for the winner.

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      2/3 - Personal Information

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      3/3 - Partie Artistique

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