Théophany Adoh

Théophany Adoh is musician and multidisciplinary artist born in Abidjan where he lives and works.

Théophany Adoh finalist of the ellipe Prize dedicated to Ivory Coast

During his university studies at INSAAC, Théophany Adoh, aka “le Traxeur”, trained as a photographer, by being interested in the world of urban fashion, where he drew his inspiration from hairstyles.

In West African cultures, hairstyles are a vector of status and personality. Through his “Open locks” series, presented as part of his application for the ellipse Prize, the artist highlights an identity paradox by integrating a multitude of visuals of woven, colored hair or even wigs on subjects sporting dreadlocks.

The identity contrast, between natural and artificial

Between the natural and the artificial, he contrasts the cultural heritage of dreadlocks, once highly valued and now a source of prejudice, with the craze for the fake and the superficial drawn from an exogenous imagination. For Théophany Adoh, these photographs, made up with digital collages, go beyond the aesthetic and practical aspects of the hairstyle: they reflect the growing standardization of African societies, which are shedding their tradition and individuality.

Théophany Adoh has participated to the Grand Prix Guy Nairay organized by the Houkami Guyzagn gallery (Abidjan). He has collaborated with the Swiss collective Klaym whose work was published in the Nice magazine that won him the Swiss Award Design 2018 as well as a participation in the Unseen fair in Amsterdam.

Déposez votre candidature pour le Prix ellipse 2024

L’appel à candidatures est dédié aux artistes visuels 18/40 ans, résidant au Bénin ou béninois résidant sur le continent.

Les candidats doivent également être non représentés (en contrat) avec une galerie.

L’éligibilité de chaque candidat reste à l’appréciation de l’organisateur (voir détails dans le règlement ci-dessous).

Pour déposer votre candidature, il suffit de remplir ce formulaire en fournissant les informations obligatoires (*).

Les participants doivent également déposer un portfolio de leur travail (5 à 10 œuvres, template ci-dessous si besoin) ainsi qu’un projet d’exposition en lien avec la thématique 2024 (détaillée ci-dessous) qui fera l’objet de l’exposition du futur lauréat lors de la foire AKAA en octobre 2024 à Paris.

Apply for the Ellipse 2024 Prize

The call for applications is dedicated to visual artists aged 18/40, living in Benin or Beninese living on the continent.

Candidates must also be unrepresented (under contract) with a gallery.

The eligibility of each candidate remains at the discretion of the organizer (see details in the rules below).

To apply, simply fill in this form with the required information (*).

Participants must also submit a portfolio of their work (5 to 10 artworks, template below if required) as well as an exhibition project in line with the 2024 theme (detailed below), which will be the subject of the future winner’s exhibition at the AKAA fair in October 2024 in Paris.