08.03 – 08.05.2024


Boulevard du Mono, Lomé, Togo

Caritative exhibition
Mémoire Rêveuse by photographer
Parmenas Awudza

At the initiative of the Yawoa foundation, one of the ellipse Prize 2023 finalists has been selected to produce a photo project for the UH in Lomé.

An exhibition honouring
the dream and the woman-child bond

Mixing art and solidarity, Yawoa foundation is at the source of this charity project in partnership with the Women Working for Change association, Dagan magazine and the Onomo hotel of Lomé.

This charitable exhibition aims to raise funds to contribute to the health costs of a woman or girl admitted to the neonatal unit at the University Hospital in Lomé.

This photographic solo-show, produced in Lomé in December 2023, is inspired by the theme of “Dreamy Memory” (2023 edition theme of the ellipse Prize), illustrating children’s dreams and the singular place that mothers occupy for them. From dreams and aspirations to the notion of inheritance, this exhibition explores the essence of these inextricable links.

The exhibition opens on the occasion of the International Women’s Rights Day, March 8 until May 8, 2024 at the Onomo hotel in Lomé.

Parmenas Awudza

Parmenas Awudza is a Togolese photographer born in 2000 and finalist of the 2023 ellipse Prize devoted to Togo.

In the “Dreamy memory” project, the artist wanted to explore the intimate connection between women and children, by creating a visual narrative highlighting its transformative power in shaping the dreams of future generations. From the transmission of knowledge to moments of complicity, this exhibition aims to capture the emotional depth of this singular relationship.

Our partners during this exhibition

    Déposez votre candidature pour le prix ellipse !

    Les artistes sont invités à s’appuyer sur le règlement et les documents ci-dessous afin de remplir les différentes parties du formulaire, incluant un portfolio et un projet d’exposition à soumettre. Ce dernier, inspiré de la thématique « Effet Papillon », doit comprendre une explication générale du projet et une liste prévisionnelle des œuvres envisagées à exposer lors du solo-show à Paris pour le lauréat.

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      Submit Your Application for the ellipse Prize !

      Artists are invited to refer to the rules and the documents below to complete the various sections of the application form, including a portfolio and an exhibition proposal. The proposal, inspired by the theme “Butterfly Effect”, must include a general explanation of the project and a preliminary list of the works planned for display during the solo show in Paris for the winner.

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